Street Photography in Glasgow

About this Post

Trip Summary

I have documented a 10 day trip to Scotland on 35mm film. This post is about the time I spent 1 day of street photography in Glasgow. I wanted to have an even balance between standard travel photographs and more creative photographs.

About the Photographs I took in Glasgow

The photographs I captured during the 1 day of street photography in Glasgow were not preconceptualized like I normally have tried to do before. They are more like snaps taken while enjoying the city. The snaps captured here are from the Glasgow Museum and several random spots throughout the city center.

1 Day of Photography: Highlights

My favorite thing to learn about was the Tenement history in Glasgow and also the city’s role in the second World War.

Tip about Photography in Glasgow:

For inspiration towards street photography in Glasgow, The Glasgow Museum has a collection of historic photographs worth learning about. Also, the British Royal Photographic Society is a decent resource for reading current photography events.

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